Zero F**ks Given

What is holding you back from doing everything you want to do and being whoever you want to be?

For a lot of people, worrying about what others will say or how they’ll be perceived gets in the way of living a truly authentic life. 

In this episode, we’re looking at what it means to give zero f**ks. We’ll be answering questions such as…  

  • If you gave zero fucks and could do anything, what would it be and why?
  • What’s the fear holding you back from doing it now?
  • Where’s the line between being true to yourself and honouring your needs but not hurting other people by being unapologetic?
  • What’s something you’re going to work on this year and be unapologetic about?

Whether you give too many fucks, not enough, or just the right amount, you’ll find valuable insights and laughs in this fun-filled conversation.

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Silva Ultramind System

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